Let’s do some type-level programming! I want to show you how to (ab)use Scala’s type system to implement an a type-level merge sort. The idea to use types and implicit search to create programs that run during compilation is nothing new. You can even easily find more than enough blog posts on type-level sorting alone. My spin on it is that I write the algorithm in Prolog and then translate the clauses into Scala constructs and show you how to use implicit search as a inference engine.

A reason to do this is that the techniques used to implement something as silly as type-level sorting can be used to do some useful stuff as well. An example is compile-time constraint checking - let’s say that you are writing a generic serialization framework for case classes, but you want to reject case classes that contain more than one String field. The problem is that expressing such a constraint using Scala types is verbose and obtuse. Being able to translate various advanced patterns that the implicits into logical clauses will allow you to understand them better.

You can find the full Scala implementation in a Github gist and also a runnable version in Scastie if you want to poke around it a bit.

We won’t go over the full implementation in detail, but you are encouraged to read and understand it using the ideas from the rest of this article.

Algorithm in Prolog

The prolog implementation is relatively straight-forward. It

  • recursively splits a list into smaller lists (the split algorithm we use splits the list based on the parity of element’s index)
  • merges the partial lists so that the result of the merger is sorted if the input lists are sorted
evenOdd([], [], []).
evenOdd([A], [A], []).
evenOdd([A, B | Tail], [A | TailEven], [B | TailOdd]) :-
    evenOdd(Tail, TailEven, TailOdd).

split(Input, First, Second) :- evenOdd(Input, First, Second).

merge([], Second, Second).
merge([FirstHead | FirstTail], [], [FirstHead | FirstTail]).
merge([FirstHead | FirstTail], [SecondHead | SecondTail], [FirstHead |Merged]) :-
    FirstHead =< SecondHead,
    merge(FirstTail, [SecondHead |SecondTail], Merged).
merge([FirstHead | FirstTail], [SecondHead | SecondTail], [SecondHead | Merged]) :-
    FirstHead > SecondHead,
    merge([FirstHead | FirstTail], SecondTail, Merged).

mergeSort([], []).
mergeSort([A], [A]).
mergeSort(Input, Sorted) :-
    split(Input, First, Second),
    mergeSort(First, FirstSorted),
    mergeSort(Second, SecondSorted),
    merge(FirstSorted, SecondSorted, Sorted).

Scala re-implementation

We will be using the shapeless. More specifically, we will use two of its many features:

  • HList which acts as type-level linked list. It can be either
    • empty - HNil
    • “cons” of a head and a tail - ::[H, T] equivalently written H :: T where H is any type and T is a subtype of HList
  • type-level natural numbers _1, _2, _3, … and types that represent how they are ordered: LTEq[_, _] and GT[_, _]. They are implemented by translating Peano axioms into Scala’s type system

Shapeless' HList has a lots of features, but “linked list” is quite easy to do. The same goes for translating Peano axioms - it just takes quite a bit of work.

The inference engine

The inference engine that our type-level program will use is already built into Scala - implicit resolution. The compiler uses implicit values and implicit defs to synthesize a requested implicit parameter when we call a function that has those.

The simplest of such functions can be found in the standard library

def implicitly[T](implicit e: T): T = e

it requests a value of a given type. Functions with implicit parameters can be used to “query” the inference engine.

Propositions as types

The phrase “propositions as types” is one of those fancy terms often found in fancy CS. However, the concept is very useful for understanding when implicit search fails.

The notion describes a correspondence between logical statements (e.g. 1 < 5 - a predicate about arithmetics) and types (LT[_1, _5] in shapeless). It also states that proofs of logical statements correspond to programs that produce values of corresponding types.

This explains why the snippet

import shapeless.ops.nat._
import shapeless.nat._

implicitly[LT[_1, _5]]

compiles and the snippet

import shapeless.ops.nat._
import shapeless.nat._

implicitly[GT[_1, _5]]

fails with

In the first case, the compiler can use Peano axioms encoded into implicit values and definition in shapeless to summon a value of the type LT[_1, _5]. In other words, the compiler constructs a proof of 1 < 5. However, it cannot summon a value of type GT[_1, _5] because 1 > 5 if not true.

Armed with an inference engine and an intuition about how types relate to propositions, let’s do some logic programming!

Predicates and clauses using Scala’s implicits

Prolog predicates will be represented using Scala’s types.

For example, predicate

evenOdd(X, Y, Z)

which represents the proposition that “Y and Z are the results of splitting list X into elements at even indices (Y) and odd indices (Z)”. Note that we are using zero-based indexing.

In Scala, the proposition will be represented by

trait EvenOdd[Input, Even, Odd]

Now we need to supply some facts and rules that allow us to “prove” that we can split some inputs into even and odd elements. To do that, we need to provide the compiler with same values of the type and ways to summon new values.

Facts are that contain only constants are represented by implicit values

// evenOdd([], [], []).
implicit val emptyList = new EvenOdd[HNil, HNil, HNil] {}

Facts that have universally qualified variables are represented using implicit definitions

// evenOdd([A], [A], []).
implicit def oneElement[A] = new EvenOdd[A :: HNil, A :: HNil, HNil] {}

The definition above states that for every type A, we can construct a value of type EvenOdd[A :: HNil, A :: HNil, HNil] (which we prove by actually constructing it).

The last thing that we need is to represent rules. This will be a bit more complex.

// evenOdd([A, B | Tail], [A | TailEven], [B | TailOdd]) :-
//     evenOdd(Tail, TailEven, TailOdd).
implicit def atLeastTwoElements[
    Tail <: HList,
    TailEven <: HList,
    TailOdd <: HList
    ev: EvenOdd[Tail, TailEven, TailOdd]
): EvenOdd[A :: B :: Tail, A :: TailEven, B :: TailOdd] =
  new EvenOdd[A :: B :: Tail, A :: TailEven, B :: TailOdd] {}

We need to explicitly define all our universally qualified types by defining them as type parameters. We are also repeating the type of the result in the return type and also the instantiation of the anonymous class. The important part is actually only

// evenOdd([A, B | Tail], [A | TailEven], [B | TailOdd]) :-
//     evenOdd(Tail, TailEven, TailOdd).
implicit def atLeastTwoElements[...](
  implicit ev: EvenOdd[Tail, TailEven, TailOdd]
): EvenOdd[A :: B :: Tail, A :: TailEven, B :: TailOdd] =

Comparing the it with the Prolog version, we see that the implicit parameters correspond to the body of the rule and the return type to the head of the rule (where head :- body). We could translate it into human language by saying EvenOdd[A :: B :: Tail, A :: TailEven, B :: TailOdd] is true if EvenOdd[Tail, TailEven, TailOdd] is true.

The implicit parameter of type EvenOdd[A :: B :: Tail, A :: TailEven, B :: TailOdd] is named ev, short for “evidence” - because its existence is evidence that the statement the type represents is true. The parameter is also sometimes called a “witness” for a similar reason. Note that compared to Prolog, Scala forces us to give a name to our rules also to all members of the rule body. This can be use to document what they represent.

You can model a body consisting of a conjunction of multiple predicates by having multiple implicit parameters.

There is also a way to represent disjunction. However, that is more difficult, because Scala’s implicit needs the implicit resolution to be unambiguous. That is, you cannot have more one implicit value of a given type. You need to use the “lower priority implicits” pattern. The pattern is tied to the algorithm the compiler uses to come up with implicit values.

Using these three patterns, we can construct the rest of the predicates used in the merge sort implementation. Namely

Split - it is just an alias for EvenOdd

Merge - this is the most involved part of the implementation. Its rules involve the LTEq and GT types and multi-predicate bodies. However, it contains nothing new - it is just a more complex application of concepts presented above.

The last part of the puzzle is the MergeSort trait. This represents the actual sorting. It starts with defining some base bases for the recursion (sorting of an empty list and of a list with one element). Then there is the sortAtLeastTwo implicit def. It has lots of type parameters, but again, they are just boilerplate. It expresses the notion that if

  1. We can split the list into two smaller lists
  2. Sort both of the smaller lists
  3. Merge the sorted lists together (into a sorted list)

then we can sort the original list. Just like something straight from a lecture on induction.

Querying the results

All we need now is a way to query the inference engine to actually get a result of our type-level sort.

What we want is a Scala equivalent of

?- mergeSort([5, 1, 3], X)

A problem that we need solve is that generic parameters are actually not present in the compiled JVM bytecode due to type erasure. However, we can ask the compiler, to get a TypeTag - lossless runtime representation of a Scala type. We just need to define a function with an implicit parameter with type TypeTag[_]

def typelevelSort[Input, Output](input: Input)(implicit
    ev: MergeSort[Input, Output],
    typeTag: TypeTag[Output]
): String = typeTag.toString

The first implicit parameter ev will ask the compiler to synthesize a type representing our merge sort algorithm. The second is the aforementioned type tag.

typelevelSort(_5 :: _1 :: _3 :: HNil) // TypeTag[shapeless.nat._1 :: shapeless.nat._3 :: shapeless.nat._5]

That’s all Folks!

We have shown how to translate a Prolog program into a Scala type-level computation. Doing a type-level merge sort is truly a weird flex and essentially useless. Tune in next time to see a more practical example of these techniques. We’ll be writing a type class based codec for a serialization format that is valid only for a certain subset of case classes.

We are going to translate the condition into types and validate it at compile-time, so that it is impossible to compile the codec for an unsuitable case class.